Wednesday 18 March 2009

Stanley 31st March, 1998-17th March, 2009

Some of you will know how much our first dog Stanley meant to us, some of you who had never liked dogs fell in love with him. Everyone understood that he had a big heart and a gentle spirit. He had sadly deteriorated since arriving in Portugal, the blindness he managed to cope with the,the terraces he did not, he tumbled several times and whether or not the falls bought on osteoarthritis or it would have happened anyway is neither here nor there...he was old, he'd had a good innings and yesterday (Blossom's birthday) we called the vet out and we said goodbye to our dear beloved friend in our forest on the top of a mountain. A huge gust of wind came as he left us and we all felt that his enormous spirit had been lifted off towards the mountains. God Bless you Stan


joe whitehead said...

we shall all miss stanley.

poor old dog.

he was a first class animal and a genuine character who enriched our lives.

it may be a sentimentality on my part, but i like to think the way he dribbled on one's freshly laundered trousers, and the special odours which accompanied his visits were a sign of genuine affection that I for one will remember fondly.

Good night old fella.

Cynthia said...

Stanley was a sweetheart and even though he was almost blind that didnt stop him from trying to chase the chickens! Which in turn had Sarah and Rick chasing him!

Sending much love to Stanley, Rick, Sarah and Blossom. Its always hard to lose a family member. We´re just happy that Stanley had a little time on your beautiful quinta with you.

Happy travels Stanley, We´ll look for you in the stars.
Cynthia & Pete

sue and glenn said...

So sorry to hear that your lovely Stanley has died. He must have been a wonderful and beautiful companion for all these years. We send our love to you both.

viv said...

ho no!!! i'm so sad to read this new. io esperava de poter verlo ancora una vuelte!