The reason the hooligan pig had cut his face is because he insists on tearing around the campo and charging into the house that rick built them, which, as it's made out of corrugated tin, has sharp edges.
I came up with what I thought was a genius plan to use some old hose, cut it and wrap around the edge of the tin and stick it all on with gaffer tape. This I did. Feeling rather proud of myself for not just coming up with a cunning plan but also implementing it (obviously with some fuss thrown in for good princess farmer measure!).
I was mighty pissed off to discover that hooligan was slowly and not quietly ripping off the tape and chewing up the hose. GRRRRRR
His cuts healed overnight, I will slowly be less precious about their welfare, not neglecting their well-being just treating them more like livestock rather than pets. Otherwise I am never going to be able to eat them.
Now about that broody hen, I'll tell you about her later
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