Wednesday 9 March 2011

Day two

Today we felled 7 trees, 5 for construction, the other two were in the way, they'll get used for something like 4x2 material.

I will not be able to put photos up every day or even feel inclined to take any, but 'll do my best, It is exhausting and sweaty and there's lots of biting insects and of course the proccessionary caterpillars are starting to fall from their nests at the top of the pines, not all our trees have a nest, but the ones that do get dealt with by me immediately!!!! read, stamped the hell to death!


Miguel Ângelo Leal said...

Hi Guys,
Hello from Paredes em Transição! Have been following your blog for well over a year. First comment, though! Do NOT - I repeat - do NOT stomp on processionária caterpillars! Hairs may get stuck to your pants and when you take them off at night... hoohoo! It burns like crazy!
Keep up the good work!
Miguel Leal

Rick and Sarah said...

Hi Miguel, don't worry i am always wearing long wellington boots, i have two dogs that are hunting dogs they have learnt about these nasties but I am never sure, so I always kill them but only when wearing long boots with trousers tucked in!!!, thank you though for your concern

Anonymous said...

The caterpillar thing is interesting - didn't know about those beasts!