Saturday 23 January 2010

......and then there were two and other sad tales

Continuing with our run of rotten luck the bees have died probably from Colony Collapse Disorder but will never be really sure (will try to get Rick to post something about this in due course). So the hive has come home and the honey is slowly being extracted. It's yummy and there's lots of it, but it's a bloody shame.

I went to the farm today without the dogs and put the chickens in their run so they could have a dirt bath and soak up some rays, I had literally turned my back for 5 minutes and a fox had made it's way in to the run and killed one chicken and had started on another, I caught it in the act and it scarpered but looks like the one it hadn't finished off is not in a good way. She's recovering in her coop with the last remaining hen from our original batch. Lesson learnt, don't let chickens in their run unless we have at least one hunting dog with us.


Fraser said...

Sorry to hear about your run of bad fortune, spring is around the corner and green shoots WILL spring.
I just wrote a post related to colony collapse disorder you might be interested.
Good luck keep blogging

emma said...

Oh poor chooks! I would have liked to see what the dogs would have thought of that fox!