Monday, 29 March 2010

Trench warfare

Traditionally (in UK) you put your spuds in on Good Friday, but that doesn't fit with my bio-dynamic planting.
We have three full root days, today, tomorrow and Wednesday. Rick ( like most of us) has eyes bigger than his stomach and is always worried that we won't have enough potatoes to see us through. (he's usually right!).
I explained, in a much earlier entry about crop rotation, so I won't go into it again, anyway we will always grow more crops in the "A" category than any other, so this year we've had to rob some of the newly rotavated pig meadow. We are also experimenting with the Portuguese way of planting, keeping some chitted potatoes from last years crop, cutting in half or thirds and placing in a hole. Rick has dug 360 holes!!!

and 12 trenches.

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