First the roof off the adjacent smaller building to the west was stripped off.

The front and part of one side of that building were robbed out to further facilitate the excavation. Following the completion of excavation, i could begin the demolition of the main building.
Then I put up the scaffold,

ripped the roof off,

and began taking the walls down.

Keep this in mind when reading.
When building for yourself, certain things are going to slide, often those things are to do with personal health and safety, in your efforts to try and achieve, you push your own limits way beyond what is reasonable.
Constantly, I am faced with the question, how am I going to move this thing which weighs hundreds of pounds, yes hundreds, from here to here, on my own? Only you can come up with an answer to that. Do you ask someone for assistance every 5 minutes, or do you try and figure a way of doing it on your own that limits the possibility of you getting hurt but hopefully achieves the aim? The choice is yours, if it's a choice. For a lot of builders that choice gets made for you, and you end up doing it on your own, and your back and your joints pay the price.

This 17' 8"x10" (thats 6mx200x250mm for those of you who work only in new money) chestnut purlin weighed a great deal. I lowered it down as I demolished one side of the building, robbing stone out around it as I went, then had to slide it out of it's housing the other side, lift it out, all however many hundreds of pounds (come and lift it if you don't believe me) and hump it across the building site, and out over the scaffold.

Compared to digging out, the demolition was easy. But it still took me over a month of hard labour. Erecting scaffold, dropping walls, dropping scaffold, etc etc etc. and piling stone,

until it was all down, and I had cleared away the site, in preparation for the next phase.

When i thought it was almost done, something else became apparent, that had, until the clean up, remained hidden.
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