Friday 13 July 2012

getting crafty again

I was asked by a friend here to make a gardening pinny, I did, she loves it and never wants to take it off!!! result

also made a tea cosy for my sister-in-law who is training to be a vicar

perfect slogan, how often does the chance to put that on a home-made tea cosy come around?

Also embarked on peg bags, this is the first one I have made, given to my dear friend Pat, who doesn't want to use it!!!! not sure if that is a result or not, but if you're not going to use it Pat, can I at least have the pegs back!!!


Julia and Mick said...

Love the pinny! The tea Cody is classic - as you say, how often would that happen!!! And my Mum made a peg bag out of one of my little dresses like that!! I love all your crafts! :0) X

Rick and Sarah said...

thanks jules, more stuff to come